Friday 23 December 2016

Translation services In California

Top Translation Services 

Translations Galore is dedicated to providing you with high quality translation services. With years of experience in the translation Industry, we've grown into becoming a market leader in the translation sector. We have been trusted by some of the world’s most recognized brands across the globe, to translate their messages consistently in more than 145 languages. We are experts in the field of Medical, Legal, Engineering, Business, Website, Marketing, Financial and various other sectors.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477



Tuesday 20 December 2016

Translation services In California

Top Translation Services

Website Translation & Localization Services

At Translations Galore we provide you with the language, cultural, and global marketing expertise you need to engage with international consumers and have the greatest impact. From strategic planning to translation and multisite go-live, you can count on our website localization experts to help you deliver high-value, locally relevant content to customers and prospects on a global scale.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477



Thursday 8 December 2016

Translation services In Delaware

Top Translation Services

Website Translation & Localization Services

"Think Global, Speak Local"
We are constantly striving to Improve our Customer Experience by delivering valuable, locally relevant content so your customers can feel at home and confidently do business with you. 

To compete in today’s extremely noisy and crowded international market, you will need to change the way you communicate with the world!  We’re here to help transform your website into a powerful tool that delivers personalized brand experiences to your global clients, customers and employees.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Friday 2 December 2016

Translation services In Delaware

Top Translation Services 
Document Translation
Common uses for Certified Translation include: U.S. Immigration (USCIS acceptance) & Ministry of Foreign Affairs Approval. We translate high school and university application/enrollment and certificates and, passports and many other local, state and Federal government uses. 

We translate passports, birth certificates, death certificates, divorce agreements marriage certificates, depositions, legal statements, driver's licenses, diplomas, academic transcripts, adoption papers, medical records, psychological evaluations, asylum statements, interviews and many other personal documents for certified translation purposes.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477



Tuesday 29 November 2016

Translation services In Delaware

Top Translation Services 

Document Translation

We have served thousands of clients who need their Immigration, Legal, Birth, Marriage and other Personal Certificates and documents translated for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Embassies around the world. Clients come to us for their Certified Translation needs because of our premium quality, fast turnaround, reasonable prices, and excellent customer service. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Friday 25 November 2016

Translation services In Delaware

Top Translation Services 

Document Translation

Today, the world continues to become a smaller place, but even with the growing globalization language barriers still exist. We at Translations Galore are here to help you bridge those language and cultural barriers by providing you with accurate and reliable document translations. Translations Galore has extensive experience in managing and delivery of translation services.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Thursday 24 November 2016

Translation services In Delaware

Your Website Translation Services 
No matter the size or scope of your project, Translations Galore's scalability and customer-centric focus is what you need in a true and trusted translation partner. For high-quality Website Translation Services and the best possible rates please contact our office for non obligatory free quote.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Tuesday 22 November 2016

Translation services In Delaware

Translations Galore provides best Translation Services In Delaware and other states and countries worldwide. We provides professional language translation, localization, and interpreting services in 150 different languages for businesses, government agencies and individuals worldwide. Our professional Website Translation Services team provides a network of over 2,000 language professionals and over twenty years combined experience in the language services industry. As your Website Translation Services partner, our team is dedicated to building relationships and delivering high-quality professional translation services.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Thursday 17 November 2016

Quality Translation Services At Translations Galore

For Best Quality Translation Services

Document Translation
Medical Translation
Financial Translation
Interpreting Services
Technical Translation
Website Translation
Legal Translation
Oil & Gas Translation

Contact us today to find out how we can help you
Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation
Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477

Monday 14 November 2016

Final Quality Check

Tips For Quality Translations #12
Final Quality Check 
Be sure to run your spellchecker again. It will take a couple of minutes if everything is fine. A small typo may have been added during your revisions and it would destroy all the quality steps you have undertaken until now.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Wednesday 9 November 2016

Translation To Target Audience

Tips For Quality Translations #11

Translation To Target Audience

Many examples and references may seem very relevant and clear to the original writer, but not to the target audience. We always distance ourselves from our work, edit and proof it from a critical point of view. We should always look at our translation as if it were the final product. We offer a professional translation service and each one of our clients is unique. Do not count on editors or proofreaders to fix your unchecked work and your mistakes. Nobody likes to correct other people’s lack of care.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Friday 4 November 2016

Accuracy and Precision Translation

Tips For Quality Translations #10 
Accuracy and Precision Translation

Do not be literal. Translation buyers and readers never appreciate translations that sounds “corseted”, a word-for-word carbon copy of a foreign language. It is no acceptable. Unless if you are translating technical material, expressions and twists seldom translate literally from one language to another. Technical material may include pharma translations, engineering, translations for the automotive sector, medical translations, software translation, patents, etc. Accuracy and precision are more appreciated than beauty in legal translations. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477



Wednesday 2 November 2016

Finest Spellcheck

Tips For Quality Translations #9

Finest  Spellcheck

When you have finished your translation, run your spellchecker and correct any misspellings and typos. Now is time to become your own editor and read over the document comparing it to the original. Read again without looking at the source text to make sure that it makes sense. Readers will not have access to your source material and, frankly speaking, they do not care the text was translated and how it was translated. They want to read natively in their language and you, the translator, are the bridge. Your version has to read as if it had been written originally in your language, free of literal translations and cumbersome expressions that are directly transferred and there are no errors.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Monday 31 October 2016

Website Reference Check

Tips For Quality Translations #8
Website Reference Check
Identify relevant reference sources on the Internet for the subject you are going to translate. If you are going to translate technical documentation for bicycles, find the brand’s website in your language. The manufacturer’s competitors are often a source of good terminology and style. If you are translating medical devices, you are sure to find some relevant material in related websites. Have all this ready before you begin to translate. It is called “background work”. And it pays, in the short and in the long run. It is like doing a reference check. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477



Friday 28 October 2016

Direct Contact

Tips For Quality Translations #7

Direct Contact

Contact your Translation Project Manager or client immediately if you encounter or foresee any problems with the document, with the format, with the word count or with the delivery time.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Monday 24 October 2016

Perfect Translation

Tips For Quality Translations #6 

Perfect Translation

Follow what has been done before, even if your personal style and personal preferences are different. Take note in a separate file of any terminology issues and comments while you are working. You will not feel like doing that or going over the errors once you have finished the translation. Let the Translation Project Manager know what is best. Remember, feedback is always appreciated and it helps to build quality and improvements in the process. You will score many points in front of your Translation Project Manager’s eyes and you will build a reputation for yourself as a serious, quality-conscientious translator.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Thursday 20 October 2016

Translation In Quality

Tips For Quality Translations - #5

Translation In Quality

In Terms of quality of the translation contact immediate your Translation Project Manager if you find any problems with the translation memory or the glossary. Previous translators may have not followed it or perhaps they had a bad day. If there are any quality issues with the material you have been provided with and you do not know whether to follow the translation memory or the glossary, contact the Translation Project Manager and let them know there is a problem with the source. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Tuesday 18 October 2016

Translation In style & Terminology

Tips For Quality Translations - #4

Translation In style & Terminology

Use any reference material, style guides, glossaries and terminology databases. Never ignore any glossary that has been sent to you. If the client has created a database, use it. If it is a simple excel file, you know all tools can import this format into a CAT tool and CVS can create a glossary file in seconds. It is essential that you are consistent in terminology and style with previous work. Quite often, you will not be the first translator involved in a publication process.

One-time translation buyers are few and far between and if you want to succeed in business as a translator, you want regular, paying clients and recurrent income. It may be the first time you are translating a particular piece or set of files. It may be the first time you are translating for a particular client, but they surely have bought translation services before and they expect consistency in style and terminology.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Saturday 15 October 2016

Full Compatibility Format

Tips For Quality Translations - #3

Full Compatibility Format

Make sure you are familiar with the file format. If you are working for a translation company, the files will come quite probably in a translation-friendly format and with a translation memory. Do not change the CAT tool your client has specified. There is no worse feeling for Translation Project Managers than receiving a file whose contents they have to rework because of bad formatting.

You may have saved some money using a tool that promises full compatibility with this and that format, but if you have not tried it yourself and the original format is heavily formatted, you end up risking Project Manager’s good time and risking a relationship. They will have to reconstruct the whole file and no matter how good your translation was, wasted time can never be recovered. You risk losing a client.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Friday 14 October 2016

Professional Translators

Tips For Quality Translations - #2

Professional Translators

Make sure that you are comfortable with the subject matter and language style and confirm this to the Translation Project Manager. Whilst you may take on translations in fields in which you are not an expert for the sake of expanding your business, it will take you more time to master the terminology and you will have to invest time in doing so. There is nothing wrong with it, but be aware that your own quality checking and revision become even more important. Professional translators specialize in a few subjects and, in time, they become so good at them that they hardly take on anything outside their sphere or expertise.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Tuesday 11 October 2016

Understand The File

Tips For Quality Translations - #1

Understand the File

Make sure you revise the document(s) and the files before starting a translation. Understand any instructions that come with the job: they show you the way in which the translation must be approached. You do not call a plumber to fix a flood and leave your house without a shower. Ensure that all the files and documents the client needs are the ones you have received.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Thursday 6 October 2016

Translation An Art

Depending on what language you are translating, the same language may translate differently between countries, as words may convey different meanings depending on the location that they are used. Mistranslating the word or meaning may become offensive, and some of the literal translations are not always correct. Therefore, keeping the meaning and the original message from the source text in the language translation process becomes more of an art rather than a science.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Tuesday 4 October 2016

The GILT Importance

Importing and exporting transactions, translators, interpreters and transferring manuals, documents, agreements, and conversations from source language to the target language. If there is a breakdown in the communication level there would be a great loss, leading to billions of dollars lost and also lost of good opportunities. That shows why language translators and those interested in the GILT industry are so much important. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you   
Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation
Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Wednesday 28 September 2016

The GILT Industry

The Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation (GILT) industry that includes language translation and interpreting services is an ever-growing industry with infinite opportunities. The phrase ‘going global’ is no longer catchy, but it has become a way of life. Every day we interact and play our part in the global economy, for instance, we drink coffee every morning which is most probably from South America, the car we drive is from Germany and the gas in our vehicle is imported from Saudi Arabia, our laptops are from China and highly sophisticated flat screen TVs from Japan.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you   
Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation


Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477 




Monday 26 September 2016

The Importance of Translation In Dubai

Nowadays, language translation and interpreting services are being used in all spheres of daily life, from helping a student to enroll into a new school to interpreting for a corporate executive who has just purchased a new business in Dubai. As language is continually changing, it will be years before an intelligent computer program appears in order to translate and comprehend as well as human does. 

Contact us today to find out how we can help you   

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477



Friday 23 September 2016

The Importance of Language Translation

If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything. 

According to a Universal study, there are approximately 6,900 official ‘living’ languages in the world today. In recent years language translation and interpreting industry has been described using the terms of Globalization, Internationalization, Localization, and Translation. 


Contact us today to find out how we can help you   


Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation


Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477



Tuesday 20 September 2016

Significance of Translation - Boost In Tourism

Boost In Tourism 

Translation can effectively help in solving one of the biggest tourist dilemmas, that of being short-changed or fleeced by unfamiliar people in foreign destinations. At the same time, translated tourism materials not only help tourists feel welcome in an unknown country, but also boosts the country's popularity as a tourist friendly destination, thereby leading to significant tourism-related revenues.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you 
Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Friday 16 September 2016

Significance of Translation - Accurate Transfer of News

Accurate Transfer of News

Unless transferred and translated properly, world news would be nothing more than gibberish when received by news agencies. Whether it is news coming from local bodies, regional centers, or even countries with strict news censorship, translation serves as an effective tool without which news will remain ineffective and unreliable.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you 
Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Significance of Translation - Nation's External Affairs

A Nation's External Affairs   

Today, international diplomacy is the most important aspect of a nation's external affairs. Be it a global summit or new economic deal, diplomats and world leaders always present their ideas and thoughts in a language they are comfortable in. It is very important that these ideas are translated in an expressive, non-condoning, and accurate manner, barring which it can lead to significant problems between diplomatic relations of two or more nations.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you 

Translation Galore - Globalization through Translation

Call us Today: USA +1 (909) 695 2013 / Dubai +971 4 387 3477
